A 1:1 Exclusive Experience

Design & Build Your Dream Website in Barbados

Experience Web Design in Barbados with Cheryl Laidlaw. Imagine designing and building your perfect website while soaking up the Caribbean sun in Barbados.

Sound like a dream?

Well, it’s not.

Welcome to my 1:1 web design and build experience – the ultimate workcation! Together, we’ll create a stunning, fully functional website that will make your business shine online. And while we’re at it, we’ll explore this gorgeous island, because, why not?

Here’s how it works:

Web Design in Barbados

But it’s not all work

Let’s be honest. Barbados is too beautiful to spend all day indoors, so we’ll mix in a little R&R:

  • Two Afternoons Off: We’ll take a break from pixels and code to enjoy the sun, sea, and maybe even a rum punch or two.
  • Boat Day: One day, we’ll brainstorm your business while cruising the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Not your typical meeting room, right?

This is not your standard ‘here’s a website in a week’ deal. It’s a full-on collaboration, where you get to be part of the process from start to finish – and have a tropical blast while we’re at it.

Let’s Build Your Dream Website in Paradise

Ready to take your business to the next level – in the sunshine? Let’s chat about how you can get your dream website built in Barbados, and create a digital home that reflects your brand, boosts your visibility, and makes an impact.

So, fancy working together with a sea breeze and sunshine on your face?

Let’s make it happen.

Get in touch today and let’s build your future, one beautiful website page at a time.

Stay in Style – Your Villa in Barbados Awaits

Welcome to your home for the week – a stunning 2-bedroom villa located in the exclusive St James region of Barbados. Perched right on the sea, you’ll be treated to the most breathtaking sunsets, with the sound of the ocean as your backdrop.

  • Private Room & Ensuite: You’ll have your own spacious room, complete with an ensuite bathroom. Think crisp linens, plush comfort, and plenty of space to unwind after a day of web design and island exploration.
  • Gorgeous Views: Imagine sipping your morning coffee or tea while gazing out at the endless blue of the Caribbean Sea. Your villa offers unbeatable views of the ocean, making every moment feel like a postcard come to life.
  • Luxury Setting: St James is known for its elegance and tranquillity – the perfect spot to combine business with pleasure. Whether you’re lounging by the sea or brainstorming over lunch, this villa offers the ultimate setting for inspiration and relaxation.

What to Expect:

  • 5-Star Comfort: Your stay is fully catered, with breakfast and lunch provided every day, plus three delicious evening meals to savour the local flavours.
  • Exclusive Experience: This isn’t a crowded retreat. It’s a private 1:1 experience where we focus entirely on building your website – and enjoying the island.
  • Pure Paradise: From your private quarters to the incredible sea views, everything about this villa is designed to help you relax, recharge, and create.

For £16,000, you’ll not only walk away with a beautiful website but also unforgettable memories of your time in paradise.

Ready to pack your bags?

Experience Web Design in Barbados with Cheryl Laidlaw. Enjoy a 1:1 luxury retreat where you'll stay in a stunning villa, explore the island

Proud to be a Leading Female
Web Designer based in London.

NOT To brag but i’ve done alright