How To Choose A
Great Domain Name?
by Cheryl Laidlaw

How To Choose Domain Names For SEO
Choosing a domain name is very important. Not only does it have to be short and memorable, but the key is to make sure it’s a meaningful combination of characters and not the obscure. However, getting a short domain name can be difficult, they are mostly all taken. Using hyphens sometimes helps, but makes the domain name less spontaneous. On the other hand, hyphenated words in domain names are more easily read for what they are by search engine spiders and robots,
Let’s not forget the longer the URL the more likely someone will make a typing error while trying to visit your site.
A domain that ends in .com is the shrewdest, and most people automatically type in .com when they’re not sure of a domain extension. So when looking for a domain name, if the dot com is available I would advise you to go for that.
How To Select A Domain Name, There are 5 main requirements:
• A good domain name must be short
• A good domain name must be spell able
• A good domain name should be easy to remember
• A good domain name shouldn’t be easily confused with others
• A good domain name should sound solid to your target audience
How To Test A Domain Name For Penalties Before Buying It
- Point a link at the domain from a trusted site and see if Google indexes it
- Within a couple weeks (3 months at most) Google should list the site when you search for it in Google using
To register a domain name you can go to: go daddy, 123reg or